Tuesday, April 30, 2013

May Schedule

Please note the varying start times.

Friday, May 3rd: Wheels O’ Time Museum (11923 N Knoxville Avenue, Peoria)
Meet at 12noon. Adults $6.50, Children 3+ $3.50, Under 3 are free. We may be able to get a group discount if enough people come. Please RSVP (ryanandlindsey1227@hotmail.com) by this Thursday so I can let the museum know how many people to expect. Print coupon for discounted admission: http://wheelsotime.org/print_this_coupon.htm

Friday, May 10th: Sommer Park (6600 N. Basket Oak Drive, Edwards)
Meet at 10am (enter off Koerner Rd through Sommer Place neighborhood). Bring sand toys and a picnic lunch. If it's raining/cold, we'll meet at the church nursery at 10am.

Friday, May 17th: Red Cross Car Seat Safety Presentation
Meet at the church at 9:30am in the nursery. As everyone arrives, the kids can play for a few minutes. A presenter from the American Red Cross will be coming to teach the children about car seat safety at 10am. It is called Buckle Bear and will last for 20 minutes, geared towards the kids. Then it'll be open for questions anyone may have. Please RSVP (jacqie96@hotmail.com) by Fri, May 10th so we can tell them how many handouts to prepare.  After the presentation, the kids can play some more.

Friday, May 24th: Bicycle Safety Town (6518 N. Sheridan Road, Peoria)
Meet at 10am with your bike / ride-on toy and helmet (required). If it's raining/cold, we'll meet in the church cultural hall and ride there.

Friday, May 31st: Detweiller Park - Dogwood/Pine Shelters (8327 North Galena Road, Peoria)
Meet at 10am at the “spider web” playground. If it is too crowded, we’ll move to the Moose Shelter playground. If it's raining/cold, we'll meet at the church nursery at 10am.

Note: Starting in June, Playgroup will be on Wednesdays for the summer (June, July & August). We’ll return to Fridays in September.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

At Church Tomorrow

We'll meet in the church cultural hall in the morning (10am) with ride-on toys. Rain, rain, go away.

Monday, April 1, 2013

April Schedule

Designated Playgroup Leader: Lindsey

Friday, April 5th: Rock Island Trail
Meet at 10am (Alta Ln parking lot). We’ll be walking down the trail to enjoy the Spring sunshine (fingers crossed). If the weather doesn’t cooperate, we'll meet at the church nursery at 10am.
Friday, April 12th: Chuck E Cheese
(2601 W. Lake, Peoria)
Meet at 10am. Check their website for coupons. There’s a slide and a climbing thing that are free and no entrance fee. Just buy tokens if you want them. (Hopefully, it’ll be less crowded than last time!)

Friday, April 19th: Safety Town (6518 N. Sheridan Road, Peoria)
Meet at 10am. Bring bikes or ride-on toys and helmets (required). If the weather doesn’t cooperate, we’ll meet in the cultural hall at church and ride there.
Friday, April 26th: Poem in Your Pocket Day
Bring your favorite children’s poem (Need ideas? Jack Prelutsky or Shel Silverstein both write silly ones for preschoolers), and meet at the church nursery at 10am. We’ll have the moms take turns sharing in story time fashion, and then let the kids play.