Saturday, December 29, 2007

January Playgroup Schedule

4 – Motor Mites 9:15-11:15 @ Franciscan Rec Center, $2 a child (908 Sterling Ave.)

11 – Trains! Playgroup 10:00 @ church, Bring a train toy to share!

18 Preschool Splash @ RiverPlex from 10-11:30, $3 per child, adults free

(600 NE Water Street) Adult must accompany children in the water.

25 – Playgroup 10:00 @ church, Theme: Cowboys and Indians…bring something pertaining to the theme.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Friday the 21st Playgroup canceled!

I didn't realize that when I made the schedule a month ago for playgroup my brother would be here on the day I am in charge. So, I have canceled playgroup rather then finding someone to do it for me...since I was supposed to do the craft after all! Sorry! We will start playgroup again after the new year in 2008! I hope you all enjoy the holidays.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Gift exchange on Friday!

Remember to bring a used wrapped gift worth $10 to our gift exchange on Friday. I figure we will probably meet in the nursery room again. I hope to see you all there!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Winter Wonderland, light show!

Folepi's Winter Wonderland

New in 2007 - Galactic Laser Light Show in Winter Wonderland!

* Nov. 25-Dec.-31, 2007, including Christmas Eve
* Closed Christmas Day
* VFW Post 2078 Park off Springfield Road, East Peoria
* 5-10 p.m. Sunday-Thursday; 5-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday
* Cars and vans - $10 each night Photo by Sievers Photography
* Limousines and RVs - $20
* Party buses (hold more than 15 passengers) - $50
* Full-size buses - $150

Visitors to Folepi's Winter Wonderland in 2007 might just think they've been transported to a different galaxy! New this year in the almost 2-mile drive-through electric park is a free outdoor laser light show simulating a cosmic adventure. The new display will incorporate laser lights and computerized laser images with the festival's space-themed parade floats, and be located toward the end of the drive-through. Lighted arches stretching across the driving path provide the impression that visitors are traveling through a black hole and ending up in a space port!

Photo Fundraiser benefits Toys for Tots

Photos with Santa at Folepi's Village, part of the Festival of Lights, can help the Toys for Tots Foundation. Santa's photographers, from Northern Lights Photography of East Peoria, are offering a discount on photos in exchange for new, unwrapped toys from noon-4 p.m. Dec. 1-2 and Dec. 15-16 at the Festival Building, 2200 E. Washington St.

Photos with Santa and family photos in an old-fashioned sleigh will be available. Cost is $10 for each 4x6-inch photo. However, anyone donating a new toy will receive a 50 percent discount on their photos. For those paying full price, the photographers iwll donate a portion of the amount to the Toys for Tots Foundation.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Bowling Pics

Thanks to everyone that came out to go bowling. Unfortunately I didn't get pictures of everyone, but I will try better in the future. It is nice to have a better turn out at Playgroup.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

December Playgroup Schedule

7 – Church at 10 am, Craft

Harmony in charge

14 – Church at 10 am, Toy exchange

Bring a used wrapped toy to exchange with another child.

($10 value)

21 – Church at 10 am, Craft

We will make homemade Christmas ornaments.

28 – No Playgroup

Monday, November 19, 2007

Parade and Candlight Walk

We went to the parade last year and it is on again this year, although it will be pretty cold. I thought I would share this info, as both events are free.

Santa Claus Parade in Peoria.
119th Annual Santa Parade! America's longest running holiday parade! Features costumed characters, novelty units, floats, marching bands and Santa Claus.

Dates: 11/23/2007 to 11/23/2007
Location: Downtown Peoria..
Hours: 10 a.m.-Noon
Admission: Free.

(309) 681-0696.

Candlelight Walks
Continue a holiday tradition or start a new one when you experience our Poinsettia Show at night under the warm glow of hundreds of candles while enjoying live performances of holiday music. 16 different varieties of poinsettias. Fri & Sat Only

Dates: 11/16/2007 to 12/30/2007
Location: Luthy Botanical Garden, 2218 N. Prospect (in Glen Oak Park).
Hours: Fridays & Saturdays 7-9pm
Admission: Free - Donations accepted

309-686-3362 ext. 202

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Friday 16th Playgroup at Brittany's house

I am changing the playgroup from the park on McClure to my house. Only because I barely want to walk in a store, let alone sit outside. So, you can come and let the kids play in the basement and socialize. For those of you that still want to go outside, you are more the welcome to play in our backyard. See you all tomorrow.
My address is 7522 N. Miramar Drive Peoria

Sunday, November 4, 2007

November Playgroup Schedule

2- Safety town

9- Franciscan Recreation Complex Motor Mites Gym

$2 per child, open 9:15-11:15 908 Sterling Ave

16- Brittany's DeCaires' home

*changed because it is FREEZING!

23 - No playgroup

30 - Bumper Bowling -Christian Center Lanes

4100 N. Brandywine Drive, $2 per game

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Playgroup at Safety Town on Friday

Playgroup will be at Safety Town on Friday. I am not on the ball and I didn't get the schedule done. I'll have a schedule next week at church. I also promise to be there this Friday, sorry about last week!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Detweiller Park on Friday

This friday will be a cold one at the park, so don't forget your coats. But, we can still enjoy the fresh air....until we all are stuck indoors for the rest of the winter! We will be meeting at the Moose Shelter, I believe. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but it is the one where we had Enrichment this summer. The park is set back a little ways. I have asked everyone to bring a festive Halloween treat to share! If you don't have time to make a treat, still come and enjoy the activity. We love the good company!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Bloomington Museum

We will be meeting at my house (7522 N Miramar Drive) at 9 on Friday to go to Bloomington. I figure that way if some can carpool, then we can swap carseats, etc.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Forest Park Nature Center

This Friday we will be going to the Forest Park Nature Center off of Prospect. We will plan to meet at 10 just outside the little museum. We will let the kids play in there for a bit while waiting for everyone. I was then planning to give them a paper of a very simple scavenger hunt. The trail is dirt, so dress appropriately...and don't forget a stroller if you need one. Last year we went out a ways and then we got to the some stairs and turned around. I am planning on doing about the same this time as well. See you all on Friday!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Apple Blossom Farm

This Friday we will be meeting at Apple Blossom Farm. I have been informed that on weekdays it is only $3 per child, not including the coupon. Parents are free. So, great news for all that wanted to it will be a little cheaper. Don't forget to print your coupon and bring your camera!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

October Playgroup Schedule


5 Safety Town – decorate your bikes in a costume of their own

12 Forest Park Nature Center (5809 N Forest Park Drive, Peoria Heights)
We will be hiking on a trail.

19 Bloomington Children’s Museum $4 p/person 2 and over

26 Halloween Picnic @ Detweiller Park
Each family bring a festive treat to share and a sack lunch if you want.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Fire Station!

We had a great time at the Fire Station. Thank you all for coming. I have attached a slide show of some pictures. Sorry, I tried to take some of all the kids but there are a lot of my own! Here is a slide show from our visit.

Friday, September 7, 2007

September Schedule

7 Rock Island Trail - off of Alta Road, bring bikes for kids and strollers for walking

14 Fire Department Tour – 505 NE Monroe Peoria, IL 61603 Phone: 494-8700

21 Charter Oak Park

28 Apple Blossom Farm ($5 per child ages 3+)
Coupons available:

October Poll

Take our October Poll to decide on activities for this next month!

Welcome to our Peoria Ward Playgroup

I will be using this site to get feedback on what activities you would like to do and also to post last minute changes for activities. You can also check here for other fun things I have found to do!