Sunday, February 22, 2009

March Playgroup


6 – Craft Project at Church (for moms - Flower Pins) 10 am
Kids: Coloring & Ride-on toys (bring your favorite ride-on toy & crayons)
I have printed coloring sheets for the kids to color on.

13 – Carrie Wood’s House 10 am

20 – Bubble Fun at the Church 10 am
Bring your bubbles and have fun!

27– Franciscan Rec. Complex – Motor Mites $2 per child

I've taken over for Brittney. Please let me know if there is anything you are interested in doing at playgroup. I'm going to try doing a craft project each month (sometimes for the moms and other times for the kids) - toally optional!

Thanks Brittney for all your hardwork over the past couple of years!!


Friday, February 13, 2009

New playgroup leader needed!

This month will be my last month holding playgroup. I am looking for a new leader to keep the group going! If you are willing to do this, leave a comment and your email address. I would hate the group to not be held anymore.
