Thursday, January 24, 2013

February Schedule

Designated leader for this month: Jacqie Lewis (text/call: 309-857-1477)

Note the changing start times this month.

Friday, February 1Chuck E. Cheese (2601 W Lake, Peoria)
Meet at 10am. There is a slide and climbing thing that are free (no entrance fee). Just buy tokens/lunch if you want them. Check their website for coupons.

Friday, February 8 - Valentine's Day Party (at church)
Meet in the church nursery at 10am where Kara Maughan will be hosting a V-day Party. Bring a Valentine to put in each child's container (we’ll make the container as a craft). You can bring a treat to share too, if you want.

Friday, February 15 - Wheels (at church)
Meet in the cultural hall at 9:30am. Bring a ride-on toy or other wheeled-toy.

Friday, February 22 - Playdate at Roper’s (3505 N Marbleway Dr, Peoria)
Meet at Shanna Roper’s house at 9:30am. (She’s right by the church.) We’ll play until 11:30, but then we’ll need to be on our way.