Monday, September 24, 2012

October Schedule

It is that time of the year again. As the weather turns colder, it is time to compile a list of people willing to host playgroup in their home.

If you volunteer, we would come to your house to play with your toys (and clean them up!) during the regularly-scheduled playgroup time (Fridays, 10-12noon). Prior to sending the schedule out to everyone, I would check the specific date with you.

I am also looking for people interested in hosting Playgroup “parties.” These would be themed-events where you’d provide a craft, book, movie, treat or game for the children to do. Themes we have done in the past or could do include: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Winter/Sledding, Valentine’s Day, St Patrick’s Day, Poem in Your Pocket Day, Read Across America, Easter. This would be a little more involved than just opening your toys up for the children to use, but really not too hard and super fun. If you have a holiday you are particularly excited about hosting, let me know that too.

Please email me directly ( if you are willing to do either service sometime this winter, and I’ll get your name on the list. THANK YOU!

October Playgroup Schedule

Friday, October 5th: Preschool Splash (600 NE Water Street, Peoria)
Meet at the River Plex at 10am (ends at 11:30). Bring a towel and water toys (if you want). Parent must accompany child in the water. Ages 1-5: $3 per child; Adults: free.

Friday, October 12th: Tanner’s Orchard (740 State Route 40; Speer, IL)
Meet at Tanner’s Orchard at 10am. Join us and bring your camera, lunch and some cash (if you’d like). There’s a country market (apples, cider, donuts, pies, etc), play area ($3 for ages 2-12) and petting zoo (feed for 25 cents). For more information,

Friday, October 19th: Bumper Bowling (4100 N Brandywine Dr, Peoria)
Meet at the Christian Center Lanes at 10am. (Bowling Prices - Adults: $2.50, Children: $1.50) (Shoe Rental - Adults: $2.00, Kids: $1.00)

Friday, October 26th: Halloween Party
Meet in the church nursery at 10am. Wear your costume (moms too!), and bring a festive treat to share. We’ll do an easy craft, eat our snacks and play with the toys.

Friday, September 7, 2012

CHANGE: Playgroup at Church today

Due to the weather this morning, Playgroup will be in the church nursery at 10am. Bring play-dough toys. See you there!