Monday, October 24, 2011

November Schedule

With winter approaching, it is time to compile the list of families willing to host playgroup at their home. If you volunteer, we would come to your house to play with your toys during the regularly-scheduled playgroup time (Fridays, 9:30-12noon). I would, of course, check the specific date with you prior to sending the schedule out to everyone.  Please email me directly - so as to avoid cluttering others’ inboxes - if you are willing to host sometime this winter, and I’ll get your name on the list. THANK YOU!

November Schedule

Friday, November 4th: Chuck E. Cheese (2601 W. Lake, Peoria)
Meet at 9:30am. There is a slide and a climbing thing that are free, and there is no entrance fee. Just buy tokens if you want them. Check their website for coupons.

Friday, November 11th: Wheels!
Meet in the cultural hall at the church at 9:30am. Bring your toys with wheels: ride-on, toy cars, trains, etc.

Friday, November 18th: Franciscan Complex Motor Mites (908 N Sterling Ave, West Peoria)
Meet at 9:15am (ends at 11:15). Cost is $2 per child ages 1-5. This winter open gym is a great way to let little ones with lots of energy enjoy the fun of playing freely with scooters, balls, hula hoops, tumbling equipment, and more. This place can be hard to find if you’ve never been there before; it is not directly on Sterling Ave. To get there, take University South and go Right on Main Street, Right on Heading and Left on Sterling.

Friday, November 25th: No Playgroup
Happy Thanksgiving!