Monday, January 31, 2011

February Schedule

Friday, February 4
Play date: Sledding at Jacqie Lewis’ house (2107 W Winnebago Dr, Peoria, 219-0061) at 10am. Wear snow clothes and bring sleds. If there’s no snow, we’ll play inside.

Friday, February 11
Valentine's Day Party: Meet at the Church nursery at 10am. Bring a Valentine to put in each child's bag, and a treat to share. We will decorate a bag as a craft.

Friday, February 18
Jungle Jamboree: Meet at Jump Start Gymnastics (8820 N Industrial Rd, Peoria) at 11:15-12:15. $5 per child; for children who are 3 and under. The gym floor is filled with balls, tunnels, building blocks, legos, and mats.

Friday, February 25
Cowboys & Indians: Meet in the Church cultural hall at 10am. Bring a toy to share that goes with our theme.