Tuesday, July 28, 2009

August Schedule


5 - Water Wars…at Carrie Wood’s House. - 10am - Kiddy pools & sprinklers.

11 – (TUESDAY) – Fondulac Park Birthday party - 10am - $0.25 admission per person.

19 - Sommer Park Playground - 10 am – swings, slides, and sandbox.

26 - Rock Island Trail - 10 am - meet at main parking area off Alta Ln. We’ll be walking down the trail.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 15th

If it is raining tomorrow (Wednesday, July 15th) - playgroup will be moved to Friday at 10 am. Same location/event.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

Due to the rain today - playgroup will be at my house at 10:00. The kids can play and we can chat and work on the baby quilt from quilting group last night....we need all the help we can get as there is a bunch more left to do.
